Multi-Value Projects (MVPs)

MISO’s Multi-Value Projects (MVPs) are regional transmission solutions that are eligible for regional/subregional cost sharing and support one or more of the following three goals:

  • Reliably and economically enable regional public policy needs
  • Provide multiple types of regional economic value
  • Provide a combination of regional reliability and economic value

The proposed MVP projects provide benefits in excess of costs throughout the MISO footprint or subregions with project expenses being broadly shared. 

MISO BPM-020, Section 7.5 defines the MVP process.

MISO Tariff Attachment FF details cost allocation. 

2023: The Long Range Transmission Planning (LRTP) Tranche 2 Portfolio is currently under development.

2022: The LRTP Tranche 1 Portfolio includes 18 MVP projects developed as part of MISO’s effort as an addendum to MTEP 21 to provide enable reliable and economic energy delivery to address and address  future reliability needs resulting from transformational changes in the resource fleet.

2011: The first MVP Portfolio includes 17 projects , all but one of which was completed by 2022.

For MVP construction status and cost updates, refer to the MVP Dashboard.

The MISO tariff requires annual review of all approved MVP portfolios for a period of six years after approval. The reviews update the projected economic, public policy, and quantitative benefits of the approved MVP portfolio to identify potential modifications to the project criteria and cost allocation methodologies for projects to be approved at a future date. These reviews provide an updated view.

MVP reviews do not impact the existing MVP portfolio approval status or cost allocation.

Triennial Reviews: An in-depth analysis performed in years three and six.

Analysis Reports: Business cases and analysis that provide reasoning for MVP portfolios. (See more in the Navigator below.)

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